yeah various joints..osteoarthritis and fractures, now hypermobility. Went through therapy etc…even shots in the back before the last therapy. No go..greatest release I got from that pain is a chiropractor that doesn't crack your back. They have different ways of putting joints back where they belong without the cracking. Cracking releases the pressure then causes more inflamation. If you have any type of arthritis this is very bad..roflol..don't do it if possible. It will do so on its own.
Epson or dead sea salt soaks up to three times daily for twenty minutes helps with the pain, well as different topicals etc..MSM, chondrontrin, and Glucosamine help a lot of others but not all. There are so many things you can try to help. Just depends on what your open to.
Topicals that can help range below I have tried:
Tiger Balm - mild arthritis pain
Capiscum- mild to moderate pain
024 pain reliever by swiss medica- moderate to severe pain
Mommy's liniment - good product- moderate pain
a lot of these linaments/ointments are essential oils, herbs that are strong so if you have an allergy be careful what you use. Make sure you wash your hands afterwards before touching your face. Or use gloves..
Do I know it all rofl..oh heck no but have been working with my own since.1998 and these are my trials and errors I learned from.