Hi, I'm Porter, and I'm a crack-aholic
Hi there. I just found this site. I figured I'd introduce myself first - before I read too much.
So my wife HATES my cracking. It's a big issue. I try to hide it from her, but that's not easy. I try to stop. By the end of the day my fingers ache. It's mostly my hands, but I can crack a lot more than that.
I really want to stop, or at least slow it down severely. With this site, I hope to find a way to do that.
I'm 28, will be 29 in a few days. I started cracking my knuckles in the 5th grade, but not very often. It's gotten worse over the years. I'd say about 4-5 years ago it got really bad.
I live in Minnesota, work as a technician for a large company in the area. I'm glad I found this site, it looks like it will be a good help, and lots of support.
Thanks everyone, I'll post more as I read the site more. Oh, I tend to lurk quite a bit on most sites, but I'll try to post.
Hello fellow new one. I just found this site a few weeks ago. I try to hid cracking from everyone, espicallly when I'm at work. I'm a Nurse Assistant, so I'm constantly around other human who have NO need to crack and if I do around then they give me this look like I'm so rude to do so. Do you feel pain if you don't crack? I do, espically in my fingers and spind. My hip usually needs a good crack once a day-or else it's diffucult to walk! I'm ony 25 so I really worry about developing authritis prematurally, it runs in my family like wild cats!
Welcome Porter.
I used to crack my fingers as well and since New Years Day, i am proud to say that i have not cracked intentionally apart from about 2 times.
Welcome Porter and Tweety. Be sure to hang around - this forum really does help you to feel not "alone" in your clicking/cracking
Why not tell us a bit more about your cracks in the Joint Cracking board? -
Hi, Porter. I'm about your age and I crack a lot too. I used to crack my knuckles obsessively until they were sore, but now I just do it enough until they feel good and I don't obsess on it. At one point I tried to quit and it was all I could think about. I'm not sure how I slowed down. I suspect I pop my knuckles as a stress reliever and I'm just less stressed now. I bet knowing your wife hates it makes it harder to slow down. I wish I knew some way to help you.
We understand you
Hi Porter. Welcome. I too have a wife who hates my terrible habit of cracking joints. Alls kinds o' random conversations about joint cracking on here….good stuff.
yeah its good finding people with the same "talent" or "problem" as you, depends which way you look at it i guess..
So that they can give information and advice lol