Hi there. I just found this site. I figured I'd introduce myself first - before I read too much.
So my wife HATES my cracking. It's a big issue. I try to hide it from her, but that's not easy. I try to stop. By the end of the day my fingers ache. It's mostly my hands, but I can crack a lot more than that.
I really want to stop, or at least slow it down severely. With this site, I hope to find a way to do that.
I'm 28, will be 29 in a few days. I started cracking my knuckles in the 5th grade, but not very often. It's gotten worse over the years. I'd say about 4-5 years ago it got really bad.
I live in Minnesota, work as a technician for a large company in the area. I'm glad I found this site, it looks like it will be a good help, and lots of support.
Thanks everyone, I'll post more as I read the site more. Oh, I tend to lurk quite a bit on most sites, but I'll try to post.