You name it, I can crack it
But I'm not sure it's a good thing.
Well maybe not everything, but I think it's quite extensive.
I've been cracking my bones for years and the number of bones I was able to crack has grown over those years. Some nights however my knuckles will be really painful and I also sometimes get really bad lower-back pains (crippling), but that's completely random and could happen anytime, regardless of whether I've cracked my back or not.
I can crack:
Neck (left, right and backwards)
Nose (left and right sides)
Jaw (right side only)
Both Shoulders
Both Elbows
Both Wrists (in two different directions)
All of my knuckles closest to my wrist
The joints closest to my finger nails
Both Thumbs (they're not fingers you know?)
Both Hips (feels great at night when you get into bed)
My lower back
Both Knees
Both Ankles
Both Pelvis'
Three toes on each foot, and
The big bone on the sole of my foot just below the big toe (mainly when I get up in the morning and I have to lean on it to crack it).Is this common to be able to crack that many bones/joints or am I just a freak? :lol:
I also twitch ALOT (my wife thinks I may have Parkinsons) and sometimes the twitches kick in when I crack a certain bone or joint.
This one guy can crack 512 joints. I can crack:
Both shoulders 2
Both thumbs 4
All knuckles closest to my wrist 12
Two middle knuckles 14
Neck in two places 16
Both knees 18
3 of my toes 21 -
I can only crack:
neck in about 6 different places
my lower back
all ten fingers 3 different ways
all ten toes -
How in g*d's name do U crack ur hip?
I can crack about 6 places in my neck; about 6 in my back=12
All my finger joints in both hands 14x2 = 24
6 joints in each foot = 12
right knee = 1
about 4 in each ankle = 8
right hip = 1
right & left elbow = 2
left shoulder = 1
==61this is just an estimate. Some of the joints will crack more than once.
I will say alot of my "cracking" has to with h aving tendinitis and obtaining many joint injury due to athletics.
hi guys! new here.
I can crack:
my jaw on both sides;
my neck (at full left/right rotation, then looking upwards);
both shoulders;
both elbows (as many times as I want - this is my favourite one to do because it makes a really loud noise and freaks people out :lol:);
both wrists;
both thumbs;
all my proximal interphalangeals;
all my distal interphalangeals;
some of my metacarpophalangeals;
my back (not sure which vertebrae :?);
my left hip;
both knees;
both ankles;
my right foot;
all my toes!I'm currently trying to develop a rhythm from the cracks so I can whip it out as a party piece. I study medicine and have trawled the journals and spoken to orthopaedic surgeons, but they don't know anything about it! It's so much fun to crack my middle finger in a quiet lecture or exam hall and hear it echo.
Any other crackers get stiffness that is only relieved by cracking? Such a relief…
good to meet fellow crackers/poppers/clickers
Haven't thought about it, but I guess I'll give it a crack:
Many, many finger knuckles
All toes, probably all joints in all toes
Neck, frequently and most often specifically to make non-crackers cringe
(yes, I called myself a cracker; if you have a problem with that I'll come down off the porch and fight you, just as soon as I finish eating my possum and drinking my mason jar of corn liquor)
Back (upper, middle and lower)
Nose, as a novelty
Hips (thought I'd lost it but I just did it by accident trying to crack my knee)
Sternum, but always unintentionally…and when I can do my eyeballs, I'll let you know.
I crack pretty much everything too. If your knuckles are hurting, you could try these exercises:
- With your right hand, hold all 4 fingers in the left hand with it, and "mush" them together, possibly producing a crack or snap. Switch hands and do the same with the other hand. This straightens out those finger tendons.
- Lock the hands in a prayer like motion with all fingers "overlapping" and the thumbs connecting while pointing towards your face. Then lock all the knuckles simultaneously as you bring the palms together and the thums naturally point straight up. This loosens the knuckles in both hands without putting significant stress on them or tightening tendons.
- Right after doing this put both hands straight together, in another prayer like hand stance so each finger is straight up against the one for the other hand, including the thumbs. Then push the palms away so the fingers are still next to each other but the thumbs separate. This way the finger joints are effectively bent backwards, so that the whole tendons in both hands are loosened up. This may well not produce any pops or cracks, but isn't meant to. It's meant to bend those fingers back so they loosen up and the tendons are flexed/stretched/limbered.
I can crack:
All of my fingers
My thumbs
My wrist - occasionally
My toes - mainly just the first three
My neck - I LOVE when I get a lot of crack out of it!
My back
My elbows - occasionally
My knees - when they've been bent for a whileI can also pop my jaw, which I don't know is a form of cracking, but it's similar. I don't do it as much, but it happens occasionally.
each finger 5 times
thumbs 4 times
wrists 4 times occaisonally
elbows 1 each
shoulders 1 spot but multiple x's
neck 2's each side
left jaw 1
spine top to bottom
knees 1
ankles 2
feet 3
each toe 3-4
big toe 2and other parts of my body i cant name, i use to be able to crack my ear lobes but cant anymore dont know why either.
I crack the following:
-Upper Back
-Lower Back
-Fingers in 3 places each
-Thumbs in 3 places each
-Knees in 2 places
-Each toe in 2 placesMy fav. would have to be my big toe. I can do it over and over again and it makes such a loud POP that I LOVE!
I can crack everything but my nose. (i cracked my jaw once, I didn't like it, same with sterum) I cracked my ears once too.
It always shocks and amazes. -
I can crack:
all my toes- not as frequent in my big toes though
all my fingers in 3 diff. directions
knees- mostly unintentional
one of my wrists
elbows- rarely works
thumbs- in 2 diff. directions
so thats like 48 -
can anyone crack your ears
Ok ok ok, I will name something, umm… tips of your fingers. Very easy to do, Just twist by your nails.
Some guy here can crack his you-know-what and you haven't said that :lol:
jaw, neck, collar bones, shoulders, elbows, wrists, thumbs, knuckles, fingers, spine, hips where thy bone connects to pelvis, knees, ankles, toes, and foot…. yes some random joint in the middle of my foot... its quite good...
mmm feels good just listing everything haha...
Some guy here can crack his you-know-what and you haven't said that Laughing
No way! How is that possible!?
I will confirm. It IS possible, though I don't know if is a really "cracking", but just like normal cracking, once you do it once, you can't crack it again for a while. Don't ask me what joint it is, though…
How does he go about doing it? :?: