
Hi! I've been looking at this forum because i loooooove to crack everything I can. Habitually crack: neck, back, toes, fingers, and hips. Kind of curious about this sternum crack i've read about. people tend to hate it when i do it around them, but i don't do it so much in public. also, i used to be able to crack my back like mad (either by twisting or by someone walking on it or by someone pressing on my spine). that doesnt work so much anymore, only arching backwards. my favorite crack? lower lower back. usually done by lying on my side , tensing my b**t, and lifting the upper leg. I'm kind of heavy so it may be the weight that cracks it. the other way i crack that area is sitting on the floor, straight up against the wall. if i slide my b**t forward and still put weight on it (my back still against the wall) it will crack. it's awesome. anyway, no questions or anything, just saying hi!

Nice to see a new face around here, promise you'll stick around?! 😮

So basically, I'm only really knowledgable on neck cracks, so can we speak about that?

Is it just when you move it quickly to the right and left?
Because I have an extra crack where if I look 90 degrees to the right and then look forward again, it produces a nasty crack 😞