good for you - take control of your life - no meds, exercise, think positive, say I love me loudly and quietly, and you will improve.
I love me. Sounds simple and it is not narcissitic.
I say it often to generate a good frequency.
good for you - take control of your life - no meds, exercise, think positive, say I love me loudly and quietly, and you will improve.
I love me. Sounds simple and it is not narcissitic.
I say it often to generate a good frequency.
You put yourself in this position by not owning your situation like a man would.
I feel like hitting you in the neck…grow up sucka.
Now after some sleep, I realize you are on medication and have issues. So I take back the hypothetical thought I had to actually think about you and your neck.
So please stop talking about it everywhere on the web.
you are an immature person who has mental problems and will not get them fixed. I can't make a person join a group that is not active, and seems to be anti chiro. Grow up.
go to a good and highly recommended chiropractor. Your physio did nothing.
you would be fine regarding pregnancy and cracking - a good chiro can work with you through your pregnancy. Don't worry.
Google Dempstead on youtube, he video his patients sessions, and then does 2 more versions slow and slower…check it out.
Not to add fuel to the fire…
But dj100 - you have let this neck incident ruin your have chosen to let this experience take over your life.
Knock it off.
Grow up.
Be a man, not a wimp. :roll:
Your response is exactly why he does not see the need to join. Thanks for your help.
I did - he checked the site out and it did not interest him.
thanks, will do.
I did not know he posts this stuff to numerous boards…
be strong…you are 19 years old and so worrried and messed up I do not know what to recommend other than what I have previously.
You are letting "Sam" win, get strong and move on.
Many people die when they are 25 years old, and are buried when they are 75. You have not even reached 25 yet, and seem dead, figuratively...not literally.
f Sam - you let him / her change and control your life. You are a sad human.
you have let this episode take control of your life. Crazy.
my chiro recommends to go to and search for Dempstead and review his videos, and see the style and benefits from his abilities.
you are 19 years old, enjoy life. Quit moaning, groaning, and bemoaning your neck. I am tired of hearing about it. :twisted:
My cousin showed me how to do my fingers…the rest is history.
You can't always go and then never go…
Just do it as Nike says.
what is your current lifestyle that precludes working out?
just ask them for a routine.
Do light weights and many repetitions.
I do know yoga and pilates would be good for your neck.
Google neck stretching.