The list and the SI crack
No pain, more of a "is that suppossed to move? can I do that again?!" Im not sure if men can do that one, it started after I had my first kiddo…
Oh, well maybe a part of your body became more lax etc.
My tailbone cracks in the same way. It sounds like like a boom than a crack. It's one of the most satisfying joints to crack. I'm a woman that's had babies, but I've been able to do it since I was a teenager.
Did you have children young?
Maybe some bones are more lenient in females than males?
I tried your technique but didn't get a crack yet
I can see/feel how this might crack a lumbar vertebrae. Where do you feel the crack? And do you get more than one crack at a time? How many cracks do you usually go for or get? do you rock slow or can you jolt to get a crack? Thanks for the move.
How do you know all these joints?
I guess that by rocking slow over a joint will cause some discomfort, so i am guessing either it is a quick movement or a slow movement but you have to deal with the pain.
Wow I just reread your post and looked up the Sacroiliac joint. you can crack that thing? Wild. I wonder if I've ever popped it before and thought it was lower lumbar crack? Thankx
thanks to who?
thanks too the first post for sharing the technique for the SI joint and for even mentioning it so that I am aware of it and that it can crack. Learn something new everyday. I googled it and image searched it. I am familiar with it just never thought of cracking it. Thanks to you too Blaze for sharing a passion for CRACKIN'