Can u pass this Hypermobility Syndrome test?
I score 8. I can do everything except the palms flat on the floor with knees unbent one. Most of that's because I'm overweight at the moment – when I used to be a hockey goalie I could do that pretty easily as well.
That said, the elbows and knees aren't seriously pronounced -- I can't bend in completely the wrong direction.
8 8O, and you're male, right? If you aren't long gone from here, is your skin at all stretchy or soft? No pain? I'm a 1, male, with only slightly stretchy skin, and in much pain, because I have the Ehlers Danlos mentioned at the bottom of the page. It's probably more common than any article suggests, partly because people often don't fit into stereotypes that doctors subscribe to and so aren't even evaluated closely if they seek care. The most accurate (moderately accurate) diagnostic critera I've ever seen in one spot is at a doctor's website. Probably most people (excluding little children) would score a 0, so even a 1 might be meaningful.
I scored a 5. I can easily touch the floor, but I exercise and do yoga, so I think that's why. ? My husband seems to think it's nearly impossibly since he can't even touch his ankles. I didn't know this was a hypermobility thing. I can do #4 on both sides, but only barely. #5 is easy. I can bend my pinkies back to my wrist.
I don't have any of the other symptoms like easy bruising. The arches of my feet are problematic though. I've had to get arch supports to help my plantar fasciitis.
do these arch supports help?
and can you tell me more about plantar fascitis? i've heard it somewhere before.. -
I can't do that shyt
except #1 which you can improve over time.
elbows and knees backwards is hypermobility
just cause your joints crack DEF doesn't make you hypermobile
even practicing stretching for years you may not be able to bend you knee or elbow like that.Plantar fasciitis is a disorder that pretty much creates large knots/adhesions in the fascia on the bottom of the foot that are painful. it comes with age young bucks, no fears yet.
Ugh, I asked my doctor why I developed this. Did I do something wrong? His answer was, "After so many years on this earth things just start to go." That was a shocker! Blaze probably thinks I'm plenty old, but I sure don't feel it. I'll be turning 30 this year.
Lol why say me? How do you know what i think
I don't comment on every thread, Bod8 comments on a lot and i see no point in responding to a smiley face, or yes, or i agree.
I'm just picking on you because you're the youngest. When I was your age 30 seemed very far away. Maybe not "old", but "older".
I am young enough and have foot problems, too. The feet are too flexible. I was diagnosed with flat feet at 21 (uncommon to have at that age) and later plantar fasciitis, after one long walk :?. But the plantar fasciitis never went away, because it's actually something worse and not something arch supports can fully alleviate. It took a few doctors and two MRIs to figure that out. If I were you, I'd take a hard look at Ehlers Danlos. FYI, I don't bruise easily and can't do #5 (my 1 point) to the extreme you can, but my skin is softer than what's normal for peers. You can PM me if you want an opinion based on more information; I've become good at noticing the signs and symptoms.
I'm just picking on you because you're the youngest. When I was your age 30 seemed very far away. Maybe not "old", but "older".
Picking on me! Cyber-bullying! Provocation! Antagonisation!
Lol why say me? How do you know what i think
I don't comment on every thread, Bod8 comments on a lot and i see no point in responding to a smiley face, or yes, or i agree.
sorry! :roll:
Everything but 4. I guess that leave me with a 7–the number of perfection.
Can't do any of it lol …and i've been cracking my joints (knuckles, especially) for MANY years.
sorry forgot i posted in this forum already…some delete this post, please?
1, 4 and 5. Painful too.
I can do 5 pretty easily on all fingers, and come very, very close to doing 4 as well.
I can't do any of them. I can't even reach my ankles in 1! I've been popping my joints for about 18 years. I guess you either have it or you dont ^.^
I can do all of them, and I never knew that was abnormal.
I got 6 pts. #2 #4 and #5. #4 is extremely easy for me, and something my boyfriend marvels at. :lol: