Social cracking
I can relate to enjoying watching other people crack. I also love to pop bubble wrap. The cracking sound and the release of air reminds me of popping knuckles.
Bubble wrap is just fun when you are a little kid.
Doesn't really do anything for me in relation to feeling something.
I crack my knuckles and wrists just b/c it's a habit and it feels good. I crack my ankle b/c if i I don't it feels weird. I cracky my toes for the heck of it…boredom I guess.
I crack my neck to relieve back pain and chest pain associated with my injured back. I crack my neck b/c it gets stiff. My knees crack on their own when I bend, I have no control over that either way.
toes lol - i do them just because i can
like 3 on both feet
Only my big toes, actually. And it's the only thing I can crack non-stop..everything else I can only do once.
under construction?
my big toes have a much bigger refractory period than my next toe.
lol Under Construction is what I typed into the "signature" part of my profile…so it's my signature for now.
back when I was teen, I used to crack my younger brother's joints… but he found it kind of annoying. I thought he was weird, how can one not enjoy the relief! :lol:
it has always been a fantasy to have someone else stretch my back. here I post anonymously but out there I guess I'm too self conscious to ask anyone!
I used to love going to my chiropractor b/c the back cracking was so good feeling. For insurance reasons I had to stop, I'm hoping to go back soon. :lol:
Chiropractors are dangerous and their whole practice is based on nothing.
How can they be accurate in manipulating the spine to realign it? -
Have you ever been to one?
Let me share something here, just after I fell down the stairs and before I sought chriopractic treatment I couldn't even turn my head enough to back out of my driveway…that's how bad it hurt. I had no flexibility in that area whatsoever. I was at the chriopractor twice a week for just a month and turning my head no longer hurts, I have improved probably as much as 95%. The only reason I still have pain is because I had to stop as I said.
I think it depends on what you're seeking treatment on, but honestly... I have to respectfully disagree with your statement. -
Well some might do things but they can be dreadfully wrong.
"Realigning the spine" - they could easily not be accurate when weighing the legs up.
And the neck crack they do can cause death - one woman famously had it and had 2 strokes simultaneously and died -
I never let him crack my neck…that was when I was still a bit grossed out by the idea and I didn't even do it on my own. He did a thing called step ladder instead. It was basically just tugging on the neck to loosen it up, though it was a bit uncomfortable. I never felt any difference in tension afterwards so I don't know what effect it actually had but whatev. The cracking of the area where it was directly injured was what really did wonders.
Ok then
But the concept of spinal realignment and everything is wrong and can be very inaccurate
Can be. Depends on where you go, and what is done. Obviously you would have to choose your chiropractor wisely and pay close attention to what he/she's doing. Also would depend on what you're being treated for. Obviously there are going to be some chiropractors who treat you for everything when it's not really necassary. Which goes back to the paying attention thing.
Can be. Depends on where you go, and what is done. Obviously you would have to choose your chiropractor wisely and pay close attention to what he/she's doing. Also would depend on what you're being treated for. Obviously there are going to be some chiropractors who treat you for everything when it's not really necassary. Which goes back to the paying attention thing.
But even the good ones can make mistakes etc.
And so can good doctors, and good dentists, and any other "good" health care providers you can name. Just because mistakes can be made doesn't make an entire practice dangerous.
Well how comes some chiropractors leave their profession claiming their is no basis to their profession?
The medical profession doesn't even recognise them as a medical form of practice because of what they do?
Osteopaths provide a better treatment and are recognised by the medical profession.
How many doctors hate chiropractors?
Well a heck of a lot more than who hate osteopaths.
Good day!
Blaze, I notice you have written several posts about how chiropractors are dangerous. You might be 100% right. I don't personally know. You can hear persuasive arguments going both ways. You're a couple years older than my son. I can tell you over the years I've learned that most things in this world do not fall into black and white either/or type categories. Usually when you think you have all the facts and the one right answer to a problem or situation you will later learn there is more to know or an entirely different perspective to look through and you will come to see that your judgement has been too hasty. I've also learned that it's a good idea listen more than you talk. I hope this comes out as kindly as I mean it. I wish you all the best in these years as you journey into young adulthood, and may we all grow in wisdom.