The Rare HUGE neck Crack?
I get that too, it is usually just to one side. Every once in a while it is a very loud crack and my fingers tingle for a little while.
people always say that that crack is by far the worst to see/hear, although it feels the best and is probably my favorite.
sorry to say i don't know much, or anything, about joint cracking. if i had to guess i'd say it was all the vertibrae in your neck cracking at once, but your guess is as good as mine.
While sitting at the desk at work (I'm a programmer), particularly the next day or two after playing racquetball, at any given stiff time of the day (my back, that is), I do these all-in-one motions where I do the 'ole bend the head to the left side to get the neck to crack then roll my head to the front (center position) which gets the very top of the spine to crack then twist to the right and twist my lower hip forward and to the left and kind of let off a continuious domino-falling cracking effect right down my spine to the tail bone. It's a pretty intense moment
. But on these post-racquetball days, I seem to do that quite a few times throughout the day.
And, yes, I do get the BOOM neck cracks. It's like a much lower frequency than those high treble-sounding little cracks. Very intense. Very relieving. Ahhh. I still don't believe my physique has been negatively affected by this 20-year plus habit.
Most of the time my neck cracks just once but every so often three bones in the middle of the neck will simultaneously "let go" quite loudly which feels great!
I get a nice big one every morning. It goes to both sides, about six or seven cracks in a row on both sides. A great way to start your day.
I have cracked my neck and other parts for the past 20years since I was 8 or so. A bad habbit I learned from my mom.Question. I was a healty boy as far as that goes, know My joints allwas hurt and my neck seems really bad, I have trouble with light and always feel tired. very stiff in the morning.
Also if I were to turn upside down I can feel my head leave my body a bit, and have bad blood circulation my head fills with blood like im about to the point of almost passing out.Doctors dont seem to know anything. This is normal not all doctors know everything. but will still say to are fine to close your file.
Message. I belive there are problems that can come from cracking and grinding. Its just not a big enough problem for doctors to know about.
I did this to myself, I hope I can recover.
Sure my neck only cracks a few times a day now, but I am always streching it hourly to try to releave pain or irritation.
hope this helps.
Let me know your story.
I get this every day! It's a combination of several joints in my spine cracking, plus I'd imagine the articulation between my spine and skull cracking as well.
I love to do it on the tube or in a shop to watch the non-crackers cringe!
whenever i wake up n get in the shower i start cracking cuz my neck is kinda stiff
i just shake my neck left n right with left ear on shouldr n chin up, for the left side, and visa versa
best crack ever!
neckpainman - im 14 and i have cracked my neck for about half a year. i am scared of getting arthritis and pains for the rest of my life. It is so addictive though
i crack my neck by movin it to the side and i can touch my ear to my shoulder all the time :?
Ahhhh the neck crack possibly the MOST satisfying click i dint think otha people uva than mysself got the click in the morning like Oric mines exactly the same and boy is it satisfyin and plus it makes my friends cringe
After I gave birth to both of my children and all the excitement had calm down I twisted my neck and got the biggest, loudest cracks of my life. You know it's a good one when you still remember it 6 and 8 years later.
I can remember near-on 10 years ago. I was 17. I was in a club in the Philippines and there were masseurs at the ready touting for business. Nothing seedy or anything like that.
Anyway, this bloke, I would say 6 foot 5 and either a wrestler or boxer, started with a good "real man" massage to my back. After that, he grabbed my temples with an iron grip and sharply twisted my neck I would say at least 180 degrees. And again the other way. Any further and I would have had to wear a neck brace. But the cracking sensations I experienced with these sharp twists were things I will never forget. Very audible and sounded just like chips being thrown into hot cooking oil. But you could also feel the many tiny clicks happening simultaneously with the big clunky ones. After that, I swore I could have spun my head several times…the flexibility was indescribeable. I then tipped the man and went on my way.
oooh, that sounds nice!
Hello all. I am new here. I crack my back and neck and hands and whatever I can- lots of my family does.
Once in a long while, I will crack my neck and it VERY easy and a HUGE crack- my neck is VERY moble after that. (I could probably touch my ear to my shoulder.) It makes more of a "boom" sound than a "crack" sound. Its the best feeling. I don't know if its one bigger joint cracking? Its not multiples.
Who can relate?
I can get my ear to my shoulder anyways?
But when i did it just now, my neck did crack on the right hand side.
I can remember near-on 10 years ago. I was 17. I was in a club in the Philippines and there were masseurs at the ready touting for business. Nothing seedy or anything like that.
Anyway, this bloke, I would say 6 foot 5 and either a wrestler or boxer, started with a good "real man" massage to my back. After that, he grabbed my temples with an iron grip and sharply twisted my neck I would say at least 180 degrees. And again the other way. Any further and I would have had to wear a neck brace. But the cracking sensations I experienced with these sharp twists were things I will never forget. Very audible and sounded just like chips being thrown into hot cooking oil. But you could also feel the many tiny clicks happening simultaneously with the big clunky ones. After that, I swore I could have spun my head several times…the flexibility was indescribeable. I then tipped the man and went on my way.
wow! sounds like a great experience man
Also hurts sometimes like there is a mini crack stopping it.