I'm gonna make a short cracking tutorial for the cracks I know and put on youtube.
I'll have a link up when it's done
Latest posts made by toast
RE: Movies / short films depicting jointcracking
RE: Favourite way to crack knuckles?
pushing down was my favourite one, cause I could use my head as an amplifier.
Just make a pair of fists and lay the lowest part of the front of the fist towards the center of both sides of the head. Like u'r gonna squash your head between ur fists, then make the crack. It sounds lot louder (to others as well) and feels more "personal"But most of those joints stopped cracking for some reason… Only the index finger wants to make the noise now, so I have to use the pull and squeezy methods. No fun if you can't get all 4 fingers in succession.
RE: Bad Cracks
I have that grinding too, and I don't like it!
It's like your joint is talking to you when everything else is quiet "boy you better be listening cause if you keep cracking me like this I'm not gonna be able to move one inch in 50 years, unless you like the feeling of rusty spoons grinding your spine"freaky grind…
Actually I don't like any of the noises my body makes.
New user with new "crack"… collarbone of doom
Hi everybody!
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a crack or as some sort of injury, but I'll let you discuss that.
I'm talking of cource about the lovely collarbone!
More spesifically the right one cause mr. left decided he didn't wanna join the fun. And by fun I mean pain cause it hurts like h**l too!What I do is I drop my shoulder as far down as possible with the arm hanging limp. retract the shoulder towards my back ( imagine trying to have your shoulders touch each other on the rearside of your torso, only with one shoulder… Yeah... That made sense...)
Then I pull it up as high as I can while still holding it back, push forward as hard as I can while keeping it as high as I can, then pushing downwards while keeping it as much forward as I can.
It's a square sort of rotation, with alot of force applied.The sound that comes from this sounds rather violent (I've shocked everyone with this sound, some guy almost puked
Like a hundred small cracks going off in succession, rather than one big crack. Or a rope being twisted so hard it's about to break.
Also the neck tends to crack abit as well at the same time.All in all it's a painfull grinding motion, with a grindish feel to it, and a very grindishingable sound. Don't do it alot though cause it's not really pleasant, and I believe it to be harmfull. discovered it while doing benchpresses.
I'll post a video on youtube if someone are interested in hearing the freakish sound
On a sidenote: any good lowerback-breaking techniques for people that just can't get the "push this way" or "push that way" ones to work? Like a torture device or something? I just can't get it to make the d**n noise.