Can anyone do this one?
I can click it, Not a very loud sounding pop tho
oh wow i just read this and did , thanks i have a new place to crack for me and when i crack other people
That one I can, once in a while. Can anyone else crack their nose? Whenever I press up on the base of my nose, the septum I think, I get a popping, crunching noise. Feels kinda cool.
Quite the boutique crack to be sure, I've only popped this one by accident!
what crack is this?
i cant be bothered to click the link lol -
what crack is this?
i cant be bothered to click the link lolDon't expect to get any reply to your request if you can't be bothered to click it.
click it l**o
Yup. I get that one- and several others in my foot- when I crack my ankle. Sometimes, I'll get lots of cracks in my foot right before a huge crack in my ankle. My boyfriend things its gross.
Yup. I get that one- and several others in my foot- when I crack my ankle. Sometimes, I'll get lots of cracks in my foot right before a huge crack in my ankle. My boyfriend things its gross.
i occasionally get those, but i dont class them as "normal" cracks, because i dont tend to have much control over them!!
lol -
That's called your Styloid Process.
i developed this one a few years ago i have asked many people and i am the only one that can do it, anyway its below the little toe on both my feet i can bend and crack it
its the bottom of number 4 on that picture can anyone else do this
I can do those under all the toes but the big toe. I push down on the top of my foot over those bones and they'll crack here and there.
That one I can, once in a while. Can anyone else crack their nose? Whenever I press up on the base of my nose, the septum I think, I get a popping, crunching noise. Feels kinda cool.
Yeah i do this too.Pressing against te cartlidge in the nose.But i can only click pressing right to left.Although technically it's not a joint crack.