April Fool's Day
Got anything lined up? :lol: Do you guys even celebrate this out of the UK?
No what is it all about?
At least you didn't get 'rick rolled' :lol:
April 1 is a great day.
only until midday though. it would be cooler if you could do tricks for the whole day:)
i dunno what that means either lol -
it's a stupid joke
thats been played out for more than a minuteIt's when someone pranks you with a link
and instead of the link u think you are going to
it's this late 80's Brit (no offense) Pop star rick astly
who's pretty terribleBlaze.. when bossnigger posted that link and it took you to the guy singing instead of jointcrackers…he RickRolled us
and it wasn't even april 1
Rest assured that many were rick rolled yesterday
not megoogle it