yeah ive seen that one and i for some reason have the urge to watch it every now and then. this cracking really is an obsession.
feel free to add more if you know any..
This video is a trip
This guy can really crack his neck!
and also a nice chiropractic adjustment
Here are some more videos for your viewing pleasure:
hey this first video is like a dream fantasy… I like!
anyone think this would be fun…..
Some videos are just disgusting and especially the animal ones and some of the videos are fake and just not worth bothering to watch when you can D.I.Y
That makes me jump out of my skin! But, yeah, I would like to do that too.
Except the worst scenario of having your neck done like that (maybe not that one) but the famous very loud neck crack that chiropractors do can kill you.
so can doing it yourself. meh, theres risks to EVERY form of medical therapy. theres risks involved in simply going to school/work. The risk isnt massively high, plus…it looks awesome
where do I sign up?
for membership or to see more of their videos?
lol he means where does he sign up so he can have whats done in the video done to him
AH my bad - thanks Inquis lol :lol:
Little tired - 2600 word essay etc has me very tired.
You don't wanna sign up lol MC
I def want to sign up.
I'd have that done once a week.
Now that brother is a true Master Cracker.
I feel like an a*****r now.
Not really since he isn't doing it himself.
Plus, can u imagine the torment they must go through when trying to get the same feeling again. I go through enough trying to get a silly one let alone like 12 cracks.
Yeah but it must be fun to crack other people.
Actually I know it is , because I have practicing Shiatsu techniques.
But that guys doing some Advanced cracking techniques that look sweet.
Yeh i did it to a friend's finger once and he said it hurt for ages.
That guys pro though.
He obviously knows what he's doing.He can crack me.
If he was a woman I'd want to marry him.
Have him do that every morning and every night. -
Are you married atm?
8O Not married
You know that ATM stands for more than 1 thing 8O
careful or someone may get confused
I didn't make the rules I just play the game