People can't register
People can't register because the image 'security code' isn't well displayed. Actually it isn't displayed at all, and I took time to look at the image source and it's, but it should instead be That way I succeeded seeing the number and registering, but the majority won't do that and will give up.
- You're welcome
- You're welcome
Ooops, I noticed a slight problem in sub pages but didn't realize it also affected user registration! D'uh! :roll:
This bug slipped in with the recent SEO.
Thanks a million! Bug fixed!
Should problems still occur with registration please post here. Happy registration!
You've also got the error still on recommend.html is appears
You've also got the error still on recommend.html is appears
Fixed, thanks! Bring it on.
Ooops, sorry for this mishap. I missed a loophole which allowed non-registered users to reply to existing threads in the "Help" forum. This has been exploited by an UK spammer last week.
Took care of that now. We don't like spammer bots here. :evil: :lol: