Sleep and cracking
nope, i've tried sitting for long periods of time while awake. nothing. There are certain spots on my body, mainly my wrist and the middle of my left foot, that will not crack at any other time than right after I awaken. I've remained immobile for hours on end to no effect, and I've slept for a half hour and my slumbering joint cracking spirit was re-awakened.
And I'm not saying it's due to hallucinogenic chemicals, I don't think hallucinogenic chems have anything to do with joint cracking(except for cannabis, but that is due more to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoid diterpines), I was just saying that there is a chemical released during sleep that I know has nothing to do with why my joints crack better after sleep, and that happens to be DMT. Melatonin is not hallucinogenic, melatonin is a hormone. It is also released during sleep. -
sitting while awake isn't quite the same thing as lying while asleep is it?
Bias is a funny thing.
There is no indication that any anti inflammatory agents tend to increase joint cracking. Not for potent physiologically active anti inflammatory agents, let alone untested, theoretical, non-physiologic and at the very best mild anti inflammatory agents. In fact, teleologically speaking, one would expect anti inflammatory agents to DECREASE joint cracking, not INCREASE it.
That any chemical is "released" during sleep (or any other activity) is a gross oversimplification of how the body works. Like claiming insulin is "released" after eating ignores the fact that insulin is also "released" during starvation.
I do find your enthusiasm somewhat intriguing if not slightly misguided. I know that I may come off sounding preachy or nasty, that is not my intention. It is the limitation of both my writing style and the written word that I tend to irritate when I only intend to good-naturedly cajole.
sitting while awake isn't quite the same thing as lying while asleep is it?
I just meant sitting as a blanket term for inactive movement. I have laid in my bed for hours while awake without the increase in cracking that I get from just one hour of sleep.
And perhaps you are right about anti-inflammatory compounds, but cannabis does have an effect on the ability of joints to crack. I just wrote down anti inflammatory because it was the first effect of cannabis that has to do with joints.
But chemicals are released while we sleep, that is no over simplification. I'm just trying to find something that happens during sleep but not during periods of waking immobility, that can be tested, such as taking melatonin. It's very possible chemicals have nothing to do with the correlation between sleep and cracking, but it is something easily testable.
And if you don't like the subject of chems then let's discuss the correlation between cracking and sleep. Any causes you could think of?
and dont worry about sounding like a j**k or anything i do the same thing sometimes.
its all good.
I think shallowhal and this man were separated at birth? Or perhaps distant cousins?
Well. . . this guy is actually kind of cool, so it's not quite the comparison I was hoping to find.
Just thought I'd join just to state that. Looking at all his posts had me laughing. Half of them are "apologizing" for having people "misunderstand" him. :roll:
Personally DayLight, I think you're crazy. But hey, to each his own.
i dont find hal pretentious at all.
i mean look at me, throwing around names like n,n-Dimethlytryptamine as if anyone here knows what that is or even how to pronounce it. look at me being so pretentious by assuming no one here has knowledge of hallucinogenic chemistry.
but why am I crazy, because I mentioned hallucinogens? this thread was not meant to be about drugs in any way, but i put forward the theory that there may be a chemical released during sleep that causes bones to crack more easily. Dimethltryptamine is a chemical released during sleep in your brain that I have ingested so can safely say that chemical has no bearing on bone cracking. That was the only reason I brought it up. -
I wouldn't take chemicals just to get a better crack - who knows what you are doing to your body?
But it is because you don't use your joints for ages that they are stiff etc and thus in the morning, it feels much nicer to crack.
Yes. I crack a lot more, and more severely, when I've been sedentary for hours. The effect of sedentariness is to the point where I can only crack my wrist, sometimes, after a 1+ hour sleep. The effect is especially severe in my wrist I am lying on my back instead of my side, and even more severe if my arms are crossed above my head.
With my neck you can crack it on each side like 3/4 times.
I love it when, after waking up, I twist on each side and get a series of like 5-10 cracks – sometimes I can get this after sitting in my seat for a prolonged period of time. awwwghhhh it feels GREAT! Usually I can only get series of cracks twisting to one side and not the other though.
Doing that to my back scares me as i feel i am gonna break something or damage it somehow.
Did you ever think that besides the chemical and physiological symphony happening when your sleeping that you are also, Simply relaxing and releaseing tension from your body/muscles/joints in a way that can't be done while awake, except for maybe deep meditation, which is a whole other kind of awake. Maybe this deep relaxation could promote joint cracking/mobility when you wake.
What do I know though. :roll:
Sounds cool
I thought about it and your right it's probably the DMT. :mrgreen:
Sike! But that would make for a great research paper Man.
'The secret link between DMT, sleep, and joint cracking'
I'd def read it
And would also be willing to donate my joint cracking body to the research.
In a clinical setting of course. OK maybe a recreational setting too.
You would have to tell the aliens I coming though. I wouldn't want to surprise them.Ever read Dr Strassmans book "DMT: The spirit molecule"
Couple years clinical study of DMT No mention of joint cracking.That doesn't mean you can't prove it though.
Let us know -
MasterCracker the Scholar lol :lol:
nope, i've tried sitting for long periods of time while awake. nothing. There are certain spots on my body, mainly my wrist and the middle of my left foot, that will not crack at any other time than right after I awaken. I've remained immobile for hours on end to no effect, and I've slept for a half hour and my slumbering joint cracking spirit was re-awakened.
And I'm not saying it's due to hallucinogenic chemicals, I don't think hallucinogenic chems have anything to do with joint cracking(except for cannabis, but that is due more to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoid diterpines), I was just saying that there is a chemical released during sleep that I know has nothing to do with why my joints crack better after sleep, and that happens to be DMT. Melatonin is not hallucinogenic, melatonin is a hormone. It is also released during sleep.i have this aswell, my neck and big toes are awful in the morning. sometimes my big toes can even wake me up!
lol its true, sometimes even my back does!
You need to take pills or something then.
good advice. :?
Cracking in the morning is great.
a gift
It's done by stretching
and stretching in the morning is crucial
especially as you get older